Wednesday 9 March 2016

Vance's DivebLog

This is my very first dive blog review, hopefully the start of a long line of reviews to come. In the future I will try hard to publish reviews here weekly. So here goes, the beginning of a brand new blog!

The topic this week is Vance's Dive bLogs. This dive blog is Vance Stevens's personal dive log published, written pretty much like a diary. The style of the blog is very personal, and Vance talks about his own diving experiences. This may sometimes give the appearance that the blog is aimed at the writer's friends. Not that that's a bad thing in any way.

The blogger, Vance Stevens lives in Abu Dhabi. Judging from his dive blog, he is a very active diver. With well over a thousand logged dives, Vance is also a very experienced diver. He is an experienced blogger and keeps other blogs as well as this one.

Vance's texts are very detailed, often with accounts of even the smallest details of the dive trips described. The texts are well written, with good language and an easy flowing style that is a pleasure to read.

Most of the texts are about Vance's own dives with (apparently) his family and friends. He writes about his dives with Bobbi, Bonnie, Nicky, and many other people, but sometimes it is not immediately clear who these people are.

Vance has been keeping this blog actively since 2009, with around twenty posts a year.

The appearance of the blog is simple, no-nonsense and very basic. Personally I am not a big fan of the orange colour theme of Vance's Dive bLog, but that is a matter of taste and not to be overly criticised.


The texts are very clear and easy to read. As mentioned earlier, the text is very personal in style, and he writes about his own dive experiences. On the down-side, this makes the texts quite similar to each other, so every blog post does not necessarily bring enough of "something new" to the reader. The blog would perhaps benefit from a little more variety in the texts. On the whole, though, it is a good, enjoyable dive blog that is well worth following.

I hope you enjoyed reading this review! If you did, please share this with your friends and fellow divers. Any comments are also very welcome. Just leave a comment below!

Check out the actual blog here


  1. Thanks very much for choosing my blog as your first review. I'm quite honored. This blog is my dive logs (bLogs). I used to keep my logs in a book. Then I went on a trip to France and lost my logs on a trek up the mountain and down the other side into Switzerland. A couple years later I found my logbook in the pack between the frame and some material stretched between the frame and the pack itself, but meanwhile I had decided to make my logs digital and not reliant on keeping hold of a book. So they were not meant to be entertaining so much as a record of my dives. But as you see I like to write and since getting a camera I've been letting the videos do the talking. But thanks very much for the review and glad you enjoyed the blog :-)

    1. I didn't mention the videos on the review, but they do add a nice extra touch to your blog.

  2. Such a great idea - The bLogs! My brother keeps such detailed dive logs that we would read them after the night dive over some drinks. It felt like reading a diary - so much fun! Great job Vance! Great review Bubbly Underwater!
